Veery testing
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Grab my profile page. Currently, the default is to return HTML only.
This produces the same thing.
"created_at":"2015/02/11 14:54:49",
"updated_at":"2015/04/21 15:56:10",
\n\nmy profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.
Get the markup. The _rev is returned for updating. Should this be returned, however, only if the client calling app is logged in?
"markup":"# Profile\r\n\r\nmy profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.\r\n\r\n"
Get the markup and the HTML.
"created_at":"2015/02/11 14:54:49",
"updated_at":"2015/04/21 15:56:10",
"markup":"# Profile\r\n\r\nmy profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.\r\n\r\n",
"html":"\n\n\nmy profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.
Get the Homepage Stream of Posts
"text_intro":"test textile - asdf asdfj alsf lasjflajsdflj as;fj alsfj alsfj alsfj alsfjalsjf;lasfalfa;fj jlj lasdlaj sdf asdfj j asjfkldsjfkl ajsklaj sfkla jkla jfkla jla jal fjlafla dsla sfla fl l footnote1. asdf asdf asdf as as as faf a s as af 1 info about the footnote",
"updated_at":"2015/04/30 02:01:27",
"formatted_updated_at":"Apr 30, 2015 02:01:27 Z",
"text_intro":" test multimarkdown - Here is as example of [table][simple_table] followed by a more complex example from the documentation simple_table \tFirst Header \tSecond Header \tThird Header \t \tFirst row \tData \tVery long data entry \t \tSecond row \tCell \tCell \t Prototype table ...",
"updated_at":"2015/04/30 01:57:55",
"formatted_updated_at":"Apr 30, 2015 01:57:55 Z",
"text_intro":"Info - Minimal web publishing tool. Formatting can be created by using markup syntax from Markdown, MultiMarkdown, Textile, and HTML. Tech used: Ubuntu Nginx FastCGI Perl HTML::Template CouchDB Memcached Elasticsearch #scaup #blogging",
"updated_at":"2015/04/29 21:56:57",
"formatted_updated_at":"Apr 29, 2015 21:56:57 Z",
"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":2,"more_text_exists":1,"tags":["test"],"text_intro":" Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet - Ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco. ","updated_at":"2015/04/24 18:59:26","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 24, 2015 18:59:26 Z","slug":"lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":0,"more_text_exists":0,"tags":[],"text_intro":"today, apr 22, 2015, i installed elasticsearch, and i'm testing now against this couchdb data.","updated_at":"2015/04/23 00:24:58","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 23, 2015 00:24:58 Z","slug":"today-apr-22-2015-i-installed-elasticsearch-and-im-testing-now-against","post_type":"note"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":2,"more_text_exists":1,"tags":["scaup","blogging","couchdb"],"text_intro":" Test post - JSON for this post using inline CSS with Textile to produce text headers for each paragraph. Example: %{font-size:120%;}*Problem*% Problem Children from low-income neighborhoods enter Kindergarten 60 percent behind in learning development compared to their middle-class co ...","updated_at":"2015/04/21 16:42:03","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 21, 2015 16:42:03 Z","slug":"test-post","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":1,"more_text_exists":1,"tags":["Belgian","wit","fruit","spice","wheat","2gal"],"text_intro":" Belgian Wit - April 2015 - We brewed this beer on Wed evening, Apr 1, 2015. This two-gallon batch was nearly identical to the version that we brewed last April. The main difference was that this time we used Wyeast 1214 Abbey Ale yeast. ","updated_at":"2015/04/21 16:15:03","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 21, 2015 16:15:03 Z","slug":"belgian-wit-april-2015","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":0,"more_text_exists":0,"tags":[],"text_intro":"Profile - my profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.","updated_at":"2015/04/21 15:56:10","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 21, 2015 15:56:10 Z","slug":"profile","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":0,"more_text_exists":0,"tags":["toledo","weather"],"text_intro":"Fine spring day on Fri, Apr 17, 2015 in Toledo, Ohio. Mostly sunny, light wind, and mid-afternoon temps in the low to mid 70s. Premo. #toledo #weather","updated_at":"2015/04/17 19:49:25","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 17, 2015 19:49:25 Z","slug":"fine-spring-day-on-fri-apr-17-2015-in-toledo-ohio-mostly-sunny-light-w","post_type":"note"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":0,"more_text_exists":1,"tags":["crochet","wool","yarn","merino","scarf"],"text_intro":" Scarf for Mom - Finished it on Fri, Feb 27, 2015. Began it the previous weekend. Did not work on it each day. ","updated_at":"2015/04/17 15:29:43","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 17, 2015 15:29:43 Z","slug":"scarf-for-mom","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":9,"more_text_exists":1,"tags":[],"text_intro":" 'Last Alarm' rings for fallen heroes - Thousands pack SeaGate Centre to pay their final respects by Taylor Dungjen - Blade Staff Writer ","updated_at":"2015/04/17 14:03:58","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 17, 2015 14:03:58 Z","slug":"last-alarm-rings-for-fallen-heroes","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":3,"more_text_exists":1,"tags":["toledo","food","beer","restaurant","weather"],"text_intro":" Grub, beer, and fall-like weather at Mutz on Tue, Jul 15, 2014 - DD and I arrived at The Oliver House around 7:40 pm. We dined at Mutz and sat outside in the small, shared courtyard area surrounded by a four-story brick building on all sides. Irregular-shaped courtyard. Tight, cozy area. ...","updated_at":"2015/04/17 13:55:47","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 17, 2015 13:55:47 Z","slug":"grub-beer-and-falllike-weather-at-mutz-on-tue-jul-15-2014","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":2,"more_text_exists":1,"tags":[],"text_intro":" Apr 2, 2015 Area Forecast Discussion - fxus61 kcle 021410 afdcle area forecast discussion national weather service cleveland oh 1010 am edt thu apr 2 2015 synopsis... low pressure will move east across ontario today and drag a warm front across ohio and the lower great lakes region. a c ...","updated_at":"2015/04/17 13:52:59","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 17, 2015 13:52:59 Z","slug":"apr-2-2015-area-forecast-discussion","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":5,"more_text_exists":1,"tags":[],"text_intro":"Craft beer and Homebrewing Thoughts - My Apr 2, 2015 beer notes posted at","updated_at":"2015/04/17 13:51:50","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 17, 2015 13:51:50 Z","slug":"my-apr-2-2015-craft-beer-and-homebrewing-thoughts-posted-at-tt","post_type":"article"},{"author":"JohnR","reading_time":0,"more_text_exists":0,"tags":[],"text_intro":"Sunny morning with mild temps and a light to moderate wind. Fine weather. More gardening and yard work today. Taxes tomorrow.","updated_at":"2015/04/12 15:09:37","formatted_updated_at":"Apr 12, 2015 15:09:37 Z","slug":"sunny-morning-with-mild-temps-and-a-light-to-moderate-wind-fine-weather-m","post_type":"note"}]}